It has never been more important to be environmentally conscious in our everyday lives, and as we approach the festive season there are lots of little things we can do to have a greener Christmas. Here are some Bohemia tips for having a more eco-friendly Christmas this year!

1. Refashioned Christmas Stockings

Rather than buying new stockings, why not refashion bags or socks to hang from the mantlepiece this year? Our Moroccan babouche slippers all come with cotton dustbags which make for great minimalist stockings! 

A black iron fireplace with white stockings and a basket with firewood

2. Foraged Christmas Tree

Nothing says festive cheer like a Christmas tree, but what about a Christmas branch?! Forage for some fallen branches and decorate with ornaments and fairy lights to make it your own. Christmas branches are particularly good for small spaces that might not fit a tree.

A branch christmas tree with dried orange ornaments beside a pile of wrapped gifts from Bohemia Design

3. Handmade Decorations

There are so many ways to make your own beautiful festive ornaments. One of our favourites is drying orange slices in the oven for a natural pop of colour for the tree or table setting to complement natural textures like our wooden tableware

A table set for christmas with neutral linen tablecloth, wooden tableware, and red berry decorations

4. Creative Christmas Crackers

No Christmas table is complete without Christmas crackers! Luckily, crackers can be made with an empty toilet roll, some scrap fabric, and ribbon. You might have to unwrap rather than pull, but the beauty is that you can personalise the gifts in each cracker with thoughtful little bits like dainty jewellery.

A handmade christmas cracker on wooden plates and palm leaf woven placemats by Bohemia Design

5. Ditch the Wrapping Paper

Wrapping paper can really add to waste at Christmas time, so why not think about wrapping presents in scrap fabric, or even better, presenting gifts in baskets which can be reused again and again!

A Bohemia Design basket filled with wrapped christmas gifts

Do you have more tips to have a more eco-friendly gifts this Christmas? Share with us on Instagram or Facebook!